
Information for Owners

Where Govan Housing Association has been appointed to manage the communal areas of your property we will coordinate and arrange repairs, carryout routine maintenance and improvements on behalf of the property owners.

In most cases we will also manage the communal buildings insurance policy.

As owner of the property you will be responsible for certain aspects, such as:

Like other home owners, you will be responsible for all internal and external repairs for your property, and any ongoing maintenance costs. If your home has common and shared areas, you will be responsible for paying any common maintenance or service charges.

A summary of the costs that you will be expected to pay to run your home are as follows:

  • Mortgage repayments
  • All repairs and maintenance to your property (factoring charges)
  • Council Tax to your local authority
  • Heating, lighting, and water bills
  • Contents insurance
  • Fittings and furniture (i.e. you will responsible for supplying your own fittings and furniture for your home)

You also have a responsibility to:

  • report any common repairs or maintenance issues;
  • ensure that common areas are kept clear, clean and tidy
  • update your contact details
  • carry out repairs and maintenance to your home to prevent damage to the building or other properties

If you are letting out your property, you should provide us with details of the tenant or letting agent. This way, the Association can quickly deal with any emergencies, such as water leaks.

As well as providing access details, you should also provide us with correspondence details of where any factoring information or invoices should be sent. Any sums due in relation to common repairs and factoring are payable by the owner of the property, and any enforcement action relating to non-payment will be taken against them.

If you decide to sell your property, it is important to notify us so that we can terminate your account and notify the new owner of their responsibilities. This can be done via your solicitors.

We will need details of the date of sale and the identity of the new owner and their solicitor.

Following notification, the factoring team will provide your solicitor with all the necessary information required to progress the sale of your property.

When terminating your account, we will apportion any shared charges due by you up to the date of sale, refund any float paid and send you a final bill or arrange for a refund to be issued (whichever is applicable).

Each owner within a block of flats or properties that share common land will be responsible for a share of the costs involved in maintaining the common parts or common land, e.g. close cleaning, landscaping, etc.

The share of repairs and maintenance will be set out and recharged in accordance with your title deeds, or in certain circumstances as detailed in the Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004 and associated Tenement Management scheme.

We will provide you with a detailed breakdown of your charges, including your share of the costs twice a year, via our factoring invoices. The invoices are issued in April and October each year and cover the charges for the previous six months, i.e. April invoice covers the period 29th September–28th March, and the October invoice covers the period 29th March–28th September.

To enable us to maintain a reactive and responsive service to your property, we require full payment of your invoice within 28 days from the date of the invoices.