
Our well-established Money Advice service provides free, impartial and confidential welfare benefit, money and debt advice services to Govan Housing Association tenants and our own factored owners and mid-market rent tenants.

This includes assisting with the following:

  • Mandatory reconsiderations, reviews, mandatory reconsiderations and appeals
  • Financial health checks
  • Assistance to apply for all benefit claims
  • Liaising with benefit officers
  • Universal credit/ housing benefit claims advice
  • Money and debt advice
  • Formal debt relief options such as bankruptcy, trust deeds etc.
  • Energy advice
  • Assistance to apply for all relevant grants

As the first housing-association to be accredited by the Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers (SNSIAP) at the highest levels of type III for welfare benefits and type II for money and debt,  our service is of the highest quality and standards.

As a Govan Housing Group customer, to access our free, impartial and confidential Money Advice Service, please email or by calling 0141 440 0308.

Services can be delivered either in person face to face, over the telephone, or by home visit if required.